After Gitarama, we got stuck behind two trucks with prisoners (pink
uniforms gave it away) - I thought I can take a photo without anyone
noticing but the flash went off and the prisoners who kept looking at
us noticed. They waved to us signaling they want something - our
driver decided to stay back a little. Should not have taken the photo
- bad move on my part.
The road after Kibyue which is on Lake Kivu was a dirt road - drove for ca. 2 hrs. average speed 5 km - it was almost 4 wheeling. And finally we got to the hill onto which the memorial was build.
The area around the Lake is truly amazing. We ate lunch right by the water. There was a water taxi which had handwritten on the inside of the boat the following:"Welcome to our water taxi" and "Don't worry". I thought that was very amusing. The boat did look like it won't make it across anything and I guess the "dont' worry' is to appease those who feel uncomfortable using it.
We got back by 7:00 pm - then I contacted Eric Kabera to arrange for meeting tomorrow and it turned out he was at Chez Lando with two Japanese TV directors/producers. I joined them for dinner. One of the Japanese TV producers used to live in Kenya for many years. He spoke Swahili.