Thursday, May 8, 2008

The French UN soldiers

After the massacre, French UN soldiers arrived and stayed at Murambi for a few days to keep the peace. People who were hiding in the hills and had survived the attacks went to them for protection and stayed at the school. The French did a number of things: they paid the local population that returned, all Hutus, to clean up the buildings and bury the dead.

[Some of the blood could not be washed away - its etched into the concrete.]

Then, they put up a volleyball net over the mass grave and yes, played volleyball. But the ground started to give away after a while and they had to stop playing. The French soldiers left the area a few days later. Those who had come out of hiding and sought protection were killed after the French had left.

[French soldiers training Hutu militias pre-April 1994 - something the French government apparently denied.]