Monday was spent at the IBUKA building in the morning. IBUKA had moved into the Nyanza-Kicukiro building. Much has changed. There are offices upstairs, the grounds around it have changed dramatically. There is a large fence around the property; there is a Garden of Memory, the statute that was covered up last year, was unveiled during the 15th anniversary this year. It is an eternal flame; the front of the building has also changed; the crosses are gone and two large 'walls' are being erected onto which IBUKA wants to engrave all the victims that were killed at the site; ie. the people from the ETO school.
After that, lunch at KMC and a demo of the current website that was created for KMC with help from University of Texas - they used some of our keywords. Very interesting.
The evening I spent with a Rwandan friend of Anne Aghion who studied in Paris - Political Science and Psychology. She studied extensively the Holocaust and is also working on the Rwandan genocide.